426 Crests 426 "Thunderbird" Squadron
Royal Canadian Air Force
History Part 3

In April 1944, the squadron began conversion to Halifax IIIs powered by four Bristol Hercules XVI engines. On April 19th the first sorties were made in the new aircraft. Bombing operations commenced on May 7th. The squadron made 269 sorties in the Halifax IIIs. A total of eight aircraft were lost, five over enemy territory and three over England. On June 16th, the squadron received their Halifax VIIs and the first operation, 426 Squadron's first daylight attack, took place on June 21st against a V1 Buzz Bomb depot. At the end of the month railway yards and sidings at the the distant target of Metz were attacked. (Ironically. Metz became the site of the RCAFs No. 1 Air Division Headquarters in the early 1950s).